tonight, I have peace. I think it came in the form of my sleeping bag (the second one purchased today-the first was too small). As I laid in my sleeping bag on the kitchen floor with Scout crawling over me I think I felt peace for the first time in a long time. Something inside me just clicked and said it will be alright. As the night progressed I talked to some of my friends on the phone and through texts and they all just know my soul so well. Emily acknoweledged my emotions of sadness and of apprehension and just really saw my heart. Michael encouraged me that God was leading this crazy adventure and it would be okay. Mary texted me a verse about being sealed with the Holy Spirit (and then we took an unbreakable vow to pray and encourage each other every day). Chelsea and Nacho prayed for me. Stokes wished me Merry Christmas because she was at the airport. Jonathan encouraged me about my sleeping bag and told me I would be back soon. I've heard all these encouragements before (basically every day of my life since I decided to go to Colorado) but tonight they were real and true and made my heart smile. I remembered Joshua 1:9 and read it over and over
Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take."
I am not going alone.
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