Tuesday, January 10, 2012

bloggityblogblog. I'm at work and my boss Lesa is in Denver for the day and my other boss Ryan is asleep. His alarm clock went off for an hour but i wasn't trying to break into his apartment to wake him up. So I'm sitting in the cafeteria with my roommate Chelsie who is probably on facebook. (she was, we just became friends!) So I live in colorado. Weird. I have 2 roommates, Chelsie and Keri. They both went to college together and Keri has worked here many past summers. I also live with Ryan (who I just saw so I guess he woke up). He's Deaf and super great and is easy going and includes me in everything. I also live with 3 dudes who don't work at Aspen Camp but work at a camp down the road teaching autistic kids to ski. They are Justin, Adam, and Keenan. Total ski bums all have dreadlocks and drink PBR and make me laugh a lot. I think they will be my saving grace because I get to talk to them and not in sign language.

The first night (sunday) was major sucky but the Lord made it super good. My phone doesn't work here so I was phone less and had to take my dad to the airport and felt really lonely and scared and sad and rode back with this man named George who drove to the airport and cried the whole way home. The moon was big and beautiful and bright and I stared at it the whole time saying okay God make this good make this good let this be good and it was. I got home to Ryan and Mario (he works here too he's deaf and 43 and tells really funny stories) and Mario's two puppies that understand sign language. I was still crying so I made a real cute first impression. I unpacked and calmed down a bit and Mario told me that him and Ryan were going to Walmart to buy a dvd player and I quickly asked if I could come so I could buy a phone. Went to walmart, we ran around, they let me ride on the cart and Ryan and I talked about God. SO GOOD. Then we just hung out, I was real tired so I went to bed after skyping Mary. Yesterday I just had training all day and kinda felt overwhelmed at not being Deaf but everyone else being Deaf and struggled a bit. It was okay though, I started doing my job (I'm Program Director so really I just do a lot of tasks every day to get ready for upcoming programs this Thursday thru Monday is a Women's Snowshoe Retreat. So I get to learn how to snowshoe and go friday-monday!)

It's cold but so stinking beautiful here that it kinda doesn't matter. It's maybe 12 degrees right now but the sun is out so its okay. The Lord is good and I do have peace and it is such a blessing to have Ryan and the 3 hearing dudes in my house and I'm excited for the friendships I hope to make with my roommates. Life is good and cold and funny.

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