Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. psalm 57:7

last year when I broke with Travis (part one) I found this verse and wrote it on my foot as a constant reminder that God was present in my life and I was confident in His plans. I wrote it daily. I'm reading through the bible and yesterday I got to psalm 57:7. Memories came back to me big time. I wrote it on my foot again and it's still true and solid. My heart is just joyful and confident in him right now in life. His plans still reign.

I'm writing a passage analysis paper on Psalm 139 for Old Testament. This semester has been a lot about finding God's promises for me and holding tightly to them and not wavering for anything. It's an infinitely better semester than last where I lost sight of the Lord in all aspects of life. So psalm 139 is my jam currently so I decided to live in it all semester while doing this paper. One of the steps is to write it in your own words. I sat on my floor listening to Nickel Creek Sunday afternoon and read countless translations of this psalm and thought about what it really meant. I finally got to writing

Psalm 139- Hannah Version

1 God you’ve seen me and you know me
2 You know when I’m sleeping and when I’m awake; You know my thoughts from far away
3 You watch my sitting and standing, you know all my ways
4 Before I say a word, You know it completely God
5 You follow me and lead me behind and in front, You guide me with your hands
6 This knowledge is so wonderful to me, I can barely understand it
7 Where can I go from you God? Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go to heaven you are there; if I go deep in the grave you are there
9 If I fly to the ends of the seas and settle there
10 your hands would be leading me and holding me tight
11 If I say, “Surely the dark can hide me, and the sun will become dark”
12 I could still not hide from you for darkness is not dark; night is bright as day and darkness is light.
13 You formed my inmost parts, you knit me together in my mother.
14 I give you praise because I am fearfully and incredibly made. Your work is wonderful, this I know.
15 Nothing was hidden from you when I was being made in the dark and knit together from the depths of the earth
16 You saw my cells in my mothers womb. You already had planned every day of my life before they started
17 How hard it is for me to comprehend your love and thoughts for me Father. They are so numerous.
18 I try to count them- there are more than grains of sand; even if I came to the end you would still be with me
19 God please kill the wicked, get the evil away from me.
20 They act with the world against you and resist you.
21 Lord I hate those who hate you, I loathe those who resist you
22 I can’t stand them, they become my enemies
23 Search me Lord and know my heart. Test me and know all my thoughts
24 See if there is any sin in me, and lead me in Your way.

this step was incredible to me. Putting truths of the Lord in my own words and my own heart. Knowing that he made them for me. Knowing all those You's in the psalm were really for me. Since most people that read this are writers, try it out. Write this verse in your own words and see the truths God has for you. It's awesome.

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