Sunday, March 21, 2010

i love my life. I'm still processing a lot of Guatemala and processing life so this may not be easy to follow. I don't know. I was listening to snow patrol today while reading for old testament and the song Hands Open came on and I love the song but really listened to it today. Check it.

Hands open, and my eyes open
I just keep hoping
That your heart opens

It's not as easy as willing it all to be right
Gotta be more than hoping it's right
I wanna hear you laugh like you really mean it
Collapse into me, tired with joy

Prob not a Christian band but hello, sweet lyrics. God's up in heaven waiting with arms open for us to run to him and our heart to open and wants us to come with him so joyful we are tired. I'm down for that kind of love.

The babies in Guatemala are probably the most precious babies I've ever known. Unlike most of the older kids, the babies don't know english at all. So if you don't know Spanish you're kind out of luck. Except for the fact that love doesn't need words. If you smile at those babies and open your arms they run to you and want to be picked up. They just will sit on your lap or are willing to be tossed up and down until your arms or lap is tired. Tired with joy though.

Thursday afternoon (our last day) I spent the afternoon hand washing some clothes with some girls from our team and this girl Louisa who showed us all how it's done. Then I passed by Casa Esther (the little girls house) and my favorite little girl Yuli popped down from the window hiding from me. Then I chased her and Lea around on my knees pretending to be a lion and then another 3 hours taking pictures, reading books in spanish, chasing them, and pretending to take naps. Then I chased around 5 of the babies for half an hour before dinner. Tired with joy. I would of chased them around the rest of my life if I could of.

I learned a lot from those babies. I don't always need to talk to people to love them. I need to rest in God's arms sometimes. I need to be inexpressibly happy because someone smiled at me. I need to be a little kid sometimes. I need to be free.

Tonight as I was lying on the prayer room floor (really this is all I do in life) I saw a sign someone made that said Be Intentional but half of it was folded over and I don't read very well and I thought it said Be Infinite. So do it. Don't be defined by this world. Don't be tired just because you've done something that says you should be tired. People asked me thursday night if I was tired and I said yeah duh I just chased babies all day but really I wasn't. Tired with joy. Be infinite and rest in God's ability to be so much more infinite.


  1. Awe! This post made me miss Yuli, Louisa, Lea, and the other Guatemalan ninos. :-) They're sooooo cute! I remember trying Neal laughing at my trying to speak Spanish with them because it was basically a guessing game. I finally figured out little kid Spanish is like little kid English: good luck.

    <>< Katie

  2. oh my goodness, hannah. i love this! love the ideas of love not needing words and tired with joy. totally agree. "be infinite"=very appealing idea... i'd like to explore that idea some more


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